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Communiqués de presse

109th Annual General Meeting of Atel

The shareholders of Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) reflected on a successful 2003 at their 109th Annual General Meeting in Olten. The 525…

2003 annual results for the Atel Group

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) posted excellent results for 2003, setting new records for sales, turnover and profits to secure its position…

Results for 2003

The Motor-Columbus Group’s consolidated sales for fiscal 2003 rose 43% to CHF 5,285 million while net income before minority interest climbed 71% to…

Peter Limacher neuer Vorsitzender der Geschäftsleitung

Annual results 2003: Atel expands its leading position

Energy service provider Atel reported profits of CHF 272 million in 2003, up 60% on 2002. Consolidated turnover rose 43% to CHF 5.3 billion. Atel also…

Atel: Management change

Ruppoldingen power station – environmental monitoring of success

The power station at Ruppoldingen, near Aarburg, was constructed as a showcase example of environmentally compatible utilisation of hydro-energy. A…

AIT Gruppe: Neue Organisation im Bereich Energieversorgungstechnik (AIT)

AIT Gruppe: Neue Organisation im Bereich Gebäudetechnik /-management (AIT)

Atel Energia S.r.l.